Love to Procrastinate
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
my new fetish
recently, i developed a liking for winter wear. i'm not talking about those ultra thick jackets and mufflers. i mean those korean and taiwan style winter wear. long knitted tops and boots. i wanna buy boots ah >.< haven't seen i like yet at bugis street and far east. i'm feeling so bored!!! can't see baobei some more. argh!! sad sadohya. i'm looking for a pocket watch too. any idea where i can get an antique looking one which is not gold or silver?
interesting day
was woken up by a telephone call again. this time it was from Cerisi asking me to go down for a job interview at 1.30pm. so i contacted cy and we went down to the Cerisi outlet at Tampines Mall and it didn't occur to me that the interview was held at the industrial area at Ang Mo Kio. zzzzz... felt so dumb. had a hard time finding the place not to mention that it took so so so long to get there lol. i wouldn't say the interview was successful as the interviewee kept pushing down the salary to $4.50 per hour, saying that i do not have experience selling children's clothes. if the pay really is that low, i don't think i would wanna work there. picky picky me =p the interviewee said that she would contact us this weekend to tell us about the results of the interview. zzzz... take so long, waste my time only. bah~~ but even cy agrees that it's a waste of time and $4.50 per hour is really cheap labour.after the interview, we were having lunch/dinner at mos burger where we had a rather long chat. she suddenly told me she recently broke up with her boyfriend. why is she always telling me shocking news? the last one around 6 months ago when she suddenly told me that she was attached when we were on the MRT lol. we talked about lots of stuffs, mainly revolving around her exs, noel and my ex. gossip gossip gossip. but it's our own personal stuffs anyways haha.
we ended up going to kbox where we irritated everyone with our horrible and LOUD singing. haha. sang "feng shou kuai le" with her AGAIN. its starting to become a tradition or something. been about a year since i last went to kbox so i really had lots of fun although i think that i would be waking up with a sore throat tomorrow lol.
chatted with noel over the phone just now and filled him up about my doings for the day. sorry about keeping him up with my long stories =p guess he's really tired and snoring away right now. oink oink haha
Monday, February 26, 2007
i'm contradictory as usual
argh!! i can't decide whether i like the holidays. during school term. i can't wait till it's the holidays where i can have all the time in the world to enjoy playing maple and audition. and now it's the holidays and i can't stand the thought of having to stay at home every single day playing games. what the hell is wrong with me? lol. bah~~woke up by a phone call this morning (or afternoon as you may put it as it was 13.53) by a girl who was looking for sharon or so that's what i heard. told her wrong number of course and hung up. when i first heard the phone ringing, thought that it was noel calling me. bah~~ just awhile ago, emilia was telling about someone from design school calling her at around 1400 asking whether she would be free on 28th feb for the fashion show. so i checked with her whether it was from the same person. turned out it was lol. guess i should have paid better attention when people talks to me on the phone.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
new keyboard!!
just a got new keyboard for my laptop today. think i'm crazy. i'm using external mouse, external speakers and now external keyboard for my laptop. lol. the only thing i'm using on my laptop is the screen.looking for a job as it's my holidays now. don't wanna work in an office or billy bombers. don't know when is the next time i would be seeing baobei as i don't think he would be coming out anytime soon after he goes back to camp tomorrow. bah~~ wonder what's he doing now >.<
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Chinese New Year's Eve
been up since 8.30am due to my mum waking me up and asking me to go to the market with her. didn't want to go at first but the thought of roti prata for breakfast changed my mind. i'm such a sucker for food. bah~~ spent at least 1 and a half hour cutting lemon grass or leaves for the laksa tomorrow. my mum was complaining why i'm taking so long when i told her MOE didn't train me to be a grass cutter. lol, so lame. had a long chat with noel over the phone while he was doing duty.reunion dinner was earlier than usual this year. started at 4pm. more like tea time but i don't mind, was hungry anyways haha. my mum was saying that she aims to be sitting on the sofa in front of the television by 11pm cause she doesn't want to be slogging her ass off till 12am after the dinner this year. haha, lame as usual. baobei's coming out of camp today but i won't get to see him till who knows when. haiz~~
Friday, February 16, 2007
belated valentine's day celebration

noel baobei gave up his time to rest to celebrate valentine's day with me today. woohoo~~ so sweet ^^ went for suki sushi buffet. haha. finally had my dosage of salmon sashimi. feels good. caught epic movie. very very lame. makes fun of alot of shows and all lol. lastly, we went to heeren and far east to look for my cny clothes. due to me being too picky, i wasn't able to get any clothes. bah~~ sorry for wasting so much of your time baobei >.< we even went to billy bombers at heeren for vanilla milkshake. yummy XD feeling so happy and satisfied. finally had a valentine's day celebration. oh ya! when we were at suki sushi, the song i knew i loved you by savage garden was playing and baobei sang that song to me. whee~~ he finally sang a song to me. so happy. haha. think i crazy le =p and to think he said night night to me too. so cute XP
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
it's valentine's day
stuck at home playing maple and watching azumanga daioh >.< my internet connection is crazy again. bah~~ can't go out with noel cause he's in camp. never got to celebrate valentine's day before. not complaining just saying for fun=p hmmm... valentine's has generally been one of the worst days of the year for me. i will either fall sick or something. still having a headache since yesterday morning. zzzz.. just realised something. i like guys who look good in running shorts. haha. really random.Tuesday, February 13, 2007
feeling so dumb
zzzz just realise why no one's free to go out with me tomorrow. cause it's valentine's day. bah~~ stay at home maple sua. as long as my internet connection does not fail me like today. using someone else's connection again. this holiday is starting to suck. hope i get a job soon. or i'm gonna die from boredom and current obsessions
my holidays have sort of started. but i'm not in the holiday mood yet. slow reaction? after listening to both renditions of "only hope" by mandy moore and switchfoot, decided that i prefer the switchfoot version although mandy moore's version is nicer to sing to.right. now to move on to my current obsessions:
1. noel
2. chinese new year
3. higher by creed
4. only hope by switchfoot
5. getting a blue rose on maple
6. finding a job for the holidays
Sunday, February 11, 2007
feeling nostalgic
was looking for some old songs. thought of a few like mandy moore's only hope (don't tell me she sucks and stuff. i know =p i only like her songs) and higher by creed. woots, not bad, found almost all of it just that didn't get the mandy moore version of "only hope". got the switchfoot rendition instead. hmmm.. last exam paper tomorrow. still looking for blue rose in maple. being really random as usual. haha. ok ok. that's all for now. feel free to click and listen to the songs on the right. it's free so make use of it wahaha. cheers ^^Wednesday, February 07, 2007
new year resolutions
just thought about this although it's kinda late for new year resolutions lol. 1st on the list; no more soccer in slippers. injured my toe while playing soccer with chuan, yj and joseph the asswipe. zzzz.. feel so dumb. bah!!! won't be touching soccer for a long long time.2nd resolution; stay away from troublesome stuff stat!!! stupid MIG. last minute ask me go make what list for celebration of learning. nice 1. never heard about it before. then say is cause send the notice to the wrong email address? hmm??? need it by tonight??? hmmmm???? and i'm suppose to work with 2 people whom i don't know, can't remember who and don't know how to contact?? GG!!! haha.. i'm whining. bah~~
guess that's all for now. argh!!! ohya, didn't get to see noel for 8 days till yesterday. forgot about our monthly anniversary again. why am i so forgetful???