Thursday, March 29, 2007

six weird things about me

i got tagged by eleanor and thus forced to do this by her. haha, just kidding. don't really mind doing this anyways since im totally bored. i just do not know what to write though so i'm not gonna finish all of it at one go but edit and add on to them from time to time.

Instructions: Each player of this game starts off by giving 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them and ask them to read your blog.

1. i am really clumsy. is that weird? i tend to trip over things or nothing, bang into doors and corners, accidentally hit stuffs with my elbow and hand. is this normal or is it just me? and i'm getting lots of bruises and cuts from this. i should find some way to get rid of this.

2. when i'm tipsy or drunk, my whole face turns red accept for the area around my nose and mouth. so i look kinda funny with my whole face red and my nose looking really pale. my friends said i look like i got poisoned or something =.=

3. i like to think about a lot of things i want to buy but end up buying nothing due to my cheapo nature. will be thinking "harh.. must spend so so so much. then must go here or there to buy. forget it. don't buy better"

4. i get really enthu and then disinterested about something within a very short period of time, usually one day or so. it's call san fen zong re du right? (pardon my han yu pin ying) for example, was really excited about securing an internship and went about looking for one. the next day, couldn't give a damn about it haha

5. to be continued....


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