belated valentine's day celebration

noel baobei gave up his time to rest to celebrate valentine's day with me today. woohoo~~ so sweet ^^ went for suki sushi buffet. haha. finally had my dosage of salmon sashimi. feels good. caught epic movie. very very lame. makes fun of alot of shows and all lol. lastly, we went to heeren and far east to look for my cny clothes. due to me being too picky, i wasn't able to get any clothes. bah~~ sorry for wasting so much of your time baobei >.< we even went to billy bombers at heeren for vanilla milkshake. yummy XD feeling so happy and satisfied. finally had a valentine's day celebration. oh ya! when we were at suki sushi, the song i knew i loved you by savage garden was playing and baobei sang that song to me. whee~~ he finally sang a song to me. so happy. haha. think i crazy le =p and to think he said night night to me too. so cute XP
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