Thursday, March 29, 2007

six weird things about me

i got tagged by eleanor and thus forced to do this by her. haha, just kidding. don't really mind doing this anyways since im totally bored. i just do not know what to write though so i'm not gonna finish all of it at one go but edit and add on to them from time to time.

Instructions: Each player of this game starts off by giving 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them and ask them to read your blog.

1. i am really clumsy. is that weird? i tend to trip over things or nothing, bang into doors and corners, accidentally hit stuffs with my elbow and hand. is this normal or is it just me? and i'm getting lots of bruises and cuts from this. i should find some way to get rid of this.

2. when i'm tipsy or drunk, my whole face turns red accept for the area around my nose and mouth. so i look kinda funny with my whole face red and my nose looking really pale. my friends said i look like i got poisoned or something =.=

3. i like to think about a lot of things i want to buy but end up buying nothing due to my cheapo nature. will be thinking "harh.. must spend so so so much. then must go here or there to buy. forget it. don't buy better"

4. i get really enthu and then disinterested about something within a very short period of time, usually one day or so. it's call san fen zong re du right? (pardon my han yu pin ying) for example, was really excited about securing an internship and went about looking for one. the next day, couldn't give a damn about it haha

5. to be continued....

shopping list

just realised that there are a number of things i wanna get. but i most probably won't get them due to my cheapo nature. zzzz.. oh well, here's the list anyways to make sure i don't forget what are they.

1. nintendo ds lite $235
2. memory card for the ds lite $65
3. bag for my mum's birthday $30+
4. bag for myself $30
5. sandles $20+
6. checkered shorts $20+
7. angel sanctuary manga $30
8. boots below $60
9. pocket watch $10

that's like so much money, around $500. i'm having this feeling i'm not gonna be getting any of them.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

PGR3 roadshow

have been working for the past few days since 15th march and today was the last day of the roadshow. it was an xbox road show held at novena square featuring the game Project Gotham Racing 3 in conjunction with some event at the mall. the job was really fun as i got to try out xbox 360 for the first time and also met some really nice people. i was introduced to this job by emilia. my new friends are nizam (my "boss"), trixy and peng leng. all the 3 of them are really interesting people in their own way and made my past 4 days enjoyable. got to know about lots of stuff like playworks, G3 and xbox 360. nizam was asking me whether i wanted to be a gamer girl (the magazine playworks features a girl who games each month). sounds fun but scary and wierd at the same time. not comfirmed yet though. he said that i would recieve a call from the people responsible some time later.
i got a big surprise yesterday. was talking to emilia and peng leng when suddenly emilia gave a short scream. got a shocked and turned to the direction she was looking at and guess who i saw? my baobei noel XD haha, he's so sweet to pay me a surprise visit. took a bit of time off to accompany him for lunch at long johns. he really made my day ^^
feeling quite sad now though as i probably won't get to see nizam, trixy and peng leng anymore. even if we do meet up, the feeling would be different. but it can't be help. by the way, trixy was the gamer girl for this month's issue of playworks. here's the link:

here's a group shot of the me, emilia, trixy and peng leng

here's our "boss" the Burger King!!

guess where am i haha

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

my day out

finally went out after who knows how many days of no-life mapling at home. met my parents at outram for dinner. went off halfway to meet noel after a phone call from him saying that he would be free from camp till midnight. when i told my mum that i was gonna go meet my "friends", her face turned black >.< we were planning to catch a movie but when we met up at juroung point, there wasn't any movie that we wanted to watch there. there wasn't much to see there but got to talk quite alot with baobei. while walking to the bus interchange, noel had hiccups. haha, he sounded so funny. really enjoyed the day out ^^
was adding songs to my blog just now. one of the songs was "i knew i loved you" by savage garden. it reminds me of noel whenever i hear probably cause he said that he likes that song and he sang it before at suki sushi.

(p.s. the suki sushi was previously wrongly typed as sakae sushi. but noel corrected me so yap =p it's not that i've forgotten, it's a typo ok? haha)