Saturday, February 25, 2006

post-exams syndrom

would you suddenly feel like there isn't enough time?
do you feel wierd pursuing your leisure activities?
would you have this urge to study when exams are already over?
if you have the above-mentioned symptoms, we are sorry to inform you that you may be suffering from post syndrom. this syndrom develops mainly in teenagers after they go through a period of torturing and mind-wrenching examinations. this is due to them being unable to get use to a period of peace and relaxation. to help those who are suffering from this syndrom, we have researched and did repeated tests to come up with the following steps to be followed in order.
1. stop reading this rubbish
2. kick kaying for making you all read this rubbish (why are you still reading???)
3. kick yourself for reading this rubbish ( i thought i said to stop reading???)
if the reccomended steps above does not work, too bad and good luck.

haha, so lame. you can tell i'm really bored.


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