exams starts tomorrow...scary....

have been studying for the past few hours. sit on the chair sit till my butt starting to ache. really really hate exams. have been doing stats questions. left 1 more chapter and past year papers to go. so boring. have always hated anything that has to do with maths. who cares about what is the probability of something happening. not like i'm some gambling freak who is going all out to win and needs the help of probability. sheesh...
and there is something wrong with my portable speaker. so can't play my ipod using speaker. i don't want listen through ear piece. so had to turn on my laptop to listen to songs. in the end became distracted so came to blog awhile. don't worry, when i say awhile i mean awhile. have to hurry up n finish with stats so can watch catch me if you can at 6.45 later. watched the show before. remember that it was a nice show but cant exactly remember it was about. feel like buying the vcd. realised that i like shows which shows how people's minds works. haha, wierd. no wonder i like the comic deathnote. the comic is about this guy (his name is Light) who found a notebook dropped by the god of death. he was bored so he decided to write people's name on the book. those people's names that he wrote died as specified by him. he then decided that he would change the world with his so-called newly found powers. so the story is mainly about how Light and the police plots against each other so that they can get each other first. cool story actually. like the way their minds work. uploaded a picture of Light and the god of death. time to go back to studying. ciao
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