Sunday, November 26, 2006

once again, my blog is revived

my blog is finally revived after who knows how long. i'm downloading this game call pirate king. so in the mean time, i decided to blog! woot~

firstly, i must apologise to my avid readers out there (like emilia who checks my blog once a month even though i haven't been updating for a few months>.<) and i must thank you for your continual support and unshaken belief in me. lol, it's meant to be sarcastic =p secondly, let's talk about my day ya? wasted most of the day sleeping. didn't get to see baobao>.< wait, suddenly feel like backtracking to yesterday. ok, was out with noel baobei. finally went to suki sushi at cine^^ wheee~ salmon sashimi!! saw that the mokona plushie that i wanted was gone T.T sadded ahhhhh~~~ not the point, not the point. after which we went to vivo city to catch "happy feet". the queue for tickets was crazily long. the earlier time slots were practically sold out. bought the tix for GVMax at 9.30 instead. had to walk around for 3-4 hours to kill the time before the movie zzzzzz.... super tiring~~ but the movie was worth it. GVMax was huge, the screen was like wow! the sound was like wow wow! lol.. it was really late when the movie ended at around 11.30. oh no, no more bus. we took the last train back to kovan where i ended up taking a cab home. my money ah~~ T.T (cries of a cheapo, lol)

ok, back to what i did today, slept most of the day away. then went out with my mum to tamp mall where i got a new pair of sandles. nice ^^ after that, went to fish n co. with my family to celebrate my bro's b'dae. they were playing some songs when these 2 songs "Irresistable" and "Dancing in the Moonlight" caught my attention. nice and catchy. were trying to guess their titles from the lyrics and i guessed right! haha.. was checking them out on youtube just now. didn't know "Irresistable was by Jessica Simpson. not bad not bad.

argh.. can't wait to try out pirate king. the characters look real cute. I WANNA PLAY!!


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