Sunday, April 16, 2006

wah...fell down at orchard road

went to orchard with zq today cause she wanted to buy jeans. met up with fx before that to get the far east level 1 card. in the end, the card was invalid cause the company closed down??? so did not get any discounts-_-" i bought a slippers thanks to zq lending me money (i forgot to bring money, lol) zq bought a jeans at 50% discount. original price was $39.90. but she had to alter it and the alteration fee was $15. so the total price of the jeans was $34.95. wahaha, she should have just bought a jeans which was not on sale. after that, we went to meet cq/pt at heeren. was raining really heavily at that time but we decided to walk there anyways. ended up slipping and falling in front of paragon on the way there. wahahaha, super funny. most retarded was zq who fell down right after me. said that she tripped over me. EXCUSES!!! wahaha. didn't realised i fell down till i heard zq laughing and i think she said omg or something like that. was just thinking why i suddenly looking at things at such a low angle. lol, super fun nia


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